The Fuse is Lit! We’re Launched!

Ever since Covid hit our town of Bend hard in Q1 of 2020, Cristina has had a clear vision to find creative ways to create consistent flows of support to non-profit organizations in need that don’t fluctuate with market conditions. After 20 months of slow cooking, we launched this dream last night at a formal launch party at Embark in Bend. The launch has been picked up by Cascade Business News and Market Watch so far, with more to come no doubt. Here are a few images from the launch. Enjoy!

Cristina singing at our launch party.

Candela and Cristina making empanadas from scratch for the party. We kept an international theme since Cristina and Jamie met in Argentina and this concept was inspired on a global bike tour :)

Our entire community pitched in as well—here’s our neighbor Deb.

We’re here to help companies create more purpose in their companies and impact in their communities! We also help increase profits and propel growth, all with no out-of-pocket expenses. Invest 15 minutes in a discovery call and you’ll be pleased with what you learn. Book a call here


We’ve re-branded to PIE: Purpose In Expenses


From the Bike to Your Business