PIE’s proven nonprofit funding model is an ideal fit with companies that share the following core values:
Mission-Driven Company Culture: From leadership to frontline employees, your company culture is rooted in using your business as a force for good.
Purpose-Driven Brand: Your customers know you as a company that cares, so deepening your support of worthy causes is important to your brand.
Existing Corporate Donation Cadence: You have been donating to various social and environmental causes and are open to unlocking additional financial resources to deepen this support.
Step 2: Watch our 2-Minute Video
Step 3: Qualify for One Purpose-Powered Service
PIE’s proven impact procurement model helps purpose-led companies optimize operating expenses to create impactful recurring donations to their favorite nonprofits without increasing cost, complexity, or major distractions. Guaranteed!
Most businesses have at least one large expense bucket that can be purpose-powered with the PIE model. We suggest starting with just one service.
See if your business qualifies to join the PIE movement below:
Microsoft 365
Does your company spend $1,000/month or more on Microsoft 365? PIE can create a $1,000+ recurring donation in an hour or less without increasing cost, risk, or complicated migrations. Easy as PIE!
Does your company spend $5,000/month + on Google Workspace? PIE can create a $1,000+ recurring donation in an hour or less without increasing cost, risk, or complicated migrations. Easy as PIE!
Do you process at least $50,000/month in card present credit card payments per month? PIE can reduce expensesand create a $1,000+ recurring donation! *Online Payments? See below**
Does your company process $100,000+ a month in integrated payments like ERP, financial, or payment links? PIE will create a $1000+ recurring donation! Easy as PIE!
Does your company consume at least $20,000 monthly with AWS, GCP, or Azure? PIE will reduce expensesand create a $1000+ recurring donation! Easy as PIE!
Does your company spend $2,000+/month with Adobe, DropBox, ZenDesk, Okta, DocuSign or other SaaS? PIE can create a $1000+ recurring donation! Easy as PIE!
Does your company spend $1,000+/month for VoIP, UCaaS, CCaaS and other voice services? PIE can reduce this expense and create a $1000+ recurring donation!
Does your company spend over $1,000/month for data connectivity services? PIE can reduce this expense and create a $1000+ recurring donation! Easy as PIE!
If your business consumes 500,000 kWh/year or more in electricity or 12,000 DTH/year in natural gas and is located in one of the deregulated states on the map, then you qualify to unlock an impactful donation to the charity of your choice without any increase in cost. Our team will likely save your company money!
If you are curious to know an estimate of how much impact one of your qualifying annual expenses can generate in the world, check out our handy impact calculator below. I think you’ll be surprised how powerful of a resource your operating expenses can become once it’s optimized by PIE. Feel free to contact us with any questions or to book a short meeting.
Estimate Your Impact
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provided Meals to families in need through the Feeding America network of food banks
Feeding America is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States. They are a nationwide network of food banks, food pantries, and community-based organizations in the United States. They work to end hunger by providing food and support to millions of people. Feeding America is very cost effective as well, and just $1 provides 10 meals--imagine that! Learn more at
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Help protect children from schistosomiasis.
Unlimit Health (formerly SCI Foundation) works with governments in sub-Saharan Africa to implement national, school-based deworming programs at a cost of around $0.40 per treatment.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Deworm Children
Evidence Action helps governments develop and implement national, school-based deworming programs at a cost of around $0.50 per treatment, and their chlorine dispensers are estimated to cost around $1.50 per person per year.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provide books to build libraries in underserved communities in Africa. Each book impacts the lives of 5 students.
Books For Africa remains the largest shipper of donated text and library books to the African continent, shipping over 58 million books to all 55 countries on the African continent since 1988. Last year alone, Books For Africa shipped 3.2 million books, valued at over $26.7 million, and 355 computers and e-readers containing over 1,065,000 digital books, to 27 African countries. More than $2.3 million was raised last year to ship these books to the students of Afric
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Remove tons of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gases from the atmosphere
Giving Green estimates Carbon180’s work on federal policy to remove carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gases (CO2e) from the atmosphere at a cost of $0.66 per metric ton. To be conservative, this has been rounded up to $1 per metric ton.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Remove tons of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
Evergreen Collaborative’s work on federal legislation is expected to reduce emissions at a cost of about $0.54 per metric ton of carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gases (CO2e). To be conservative, we have rounded this up to $1 per metric ton.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provide supplements to protect children from vitamin A deficiency disorders, such as stunting, anemia, blindness, and death.
Helen Keller International's cost per vitamin A supplementation delivered is estimated to be $1.10. According to GiveWell, Helen Keller International's cost to save a life is $3,500.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provide dollars directly to recipients to use as they wish. An independent impact evaluation has shown that GiveDirectly's cash transfers increase recipients' assets, food security and mental health.
Want to make a bigger difference? Increase your donation!
After overhead, GiveDirectly transfers an estimated 88% of each donation to recipients of their standard unconditional cash transfer program, 84% to a refugee family in Uganda, or $25 provides 2 months of basic income to a Universal Basic Income initiative recipient.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provide dollars directly to a refugee family in Uganda, in a first-of-its-kind pilot to deliver large cash transfers to refugees to invest in rebuilding their lives.
Want to make a bigger difference? Increase your donation!
After overhead, GiveDirectly transfers an estimated 88% of each donation to recipients of their standard unconditional cash transfer program, 84% to a refugee family in Uganda, or $25 provides 2 months of basic income to a Universal Basic Income initiative recipient.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Help provide safe drinking water to people for one year.
Evidence Action helps governments develop and implement national, school-based deworming programs at a cost of around $0.50 per treatment, and their chlorine dispensers are estimated to cost around $1.50 per person per year.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Purchase bednets to protect those living in malaria-stricken areas from infected mosquitos.
A mosquito net from the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) costs only US$2 to buy and around US$4 to provide to a household in a mosquito-stricken area. Each bednet protects two people for up to three years.
The cost to save a life is estimated at US$4,000-$5,500. Learn more about Against Malaria Foundation :
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Help people access essential healthcare services or products, like insecticide-treated nets, HIV treatment or testing, or contraception and other sexual and reproductive health products.
Every $6.52 can help one person access essential healthcare services or products, like insecticide-treated nets, HIV treatment or testing, or contraception and other sexual and reproductive health products.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Protect children from malaria during a high-risk season.
Malaria Consortium's seasonal malaria chemoprevention program costs about $1.66 per child per month, or $6.64 for a four-month season. According to GiveWell, Malaria Consortium's cost to save a life is $5,000.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Set up a water point to provide clean water to people
Oxfam's costs are based on the following estimates: $15 to purchase hygiene kits to provide a displaced family with a bucket, soap, detergent and other essential items; $100 to set up a water point to provide clean water to 12 people.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
TaRL Africa helps governments and organizations develop and implement TaRL programs for child per year.
Teaching at the Right Level Africa strengthens government investments in education, providing innovation and research to apply methods proven to improve learning in the African context.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Purchase hygiene kits to provide families with a bucket, soap and detergent, and other essential items.
Oxfam's costs are based on the following estimates: $15 to purchase hygiene kits to provide a displaced family with a bucket, soap, detergent and other essential items; $100 to set up a water point to provide clean water to 12 people.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provide people in low-income countries with eye screening and a pair of eyeglasses.
Want to make a bigger difference? Increase your donation!
Seva estimates costs of $15 for eye screening and a pair of glasses; $50 for sight-restoring cataract surgery; $150 to provide a child with specialized sight-restoring pediatric surgery and follow-up care; and $1500 to provide a day of eye camp and outreach services, restoring sight to 30 people.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
By providing essential health education messages, help ensure sick children are taken promptly to health clinics for treatment of life threatening conditions including malaria, pneumonia or diarrhea
Development Media International (DMI) programming costs around $20 to ensure that a sick child is taken promptly to a health clinic for treatment of life threatening conditions including malaria, pneumonia or diarrhea
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provide months of basic income to a recipient in GiveDirectly's landmark Universal Basic Income initiative.
Want to make a bigger difference? Increase your donation!
After overhead, GiveDirectly transfers an estimated 88% of each donation to recipients of their standard unconditional cash transfer program, 84% to a refugee family in Uganda, or $25 provides 2 months of basic income to a Universal Basic Income initiative recipient.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Encourage the full vaccination of infants by providing cash incentives to caregivers over 15 months.
The cost to encourage the full immunization of one child over 15 months through the New Incentives program is US$24. According to GiveWell, New Incentives' cost to save a life is around US$4,600.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Reach students through a remedial supplementary learning curriculum proven to boost their foundational literacy and numeracy skills for one year. This includes enrolling out-of-school girls into schools as well as supporting those who are already attending target schools
Educate Girls' mission is to ensure all girls are in school and learning. They do so with the help of locally trained volunteers, as well as through awareness-raising activities aimed at communities and families, and initiatives to improve school quality.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Cover the cost of cataract surgeries.
According to GiveWell, a single cataract surgery can cost between $50-100, and a surgical outreach program such as those implemented by Fred Hollows to cost around $650 per blindness or severe visual impairment reversed.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Restore eyesight for people with curable blindness who cannot afford surgery.
Want to make a bigger difference? Increase your donation!
Seva estimates costs of $15 for eye screening and a pair of glasses; $50 for sight-restoring cataract surgery; $150 to provide a child with specialized sight-restoring pediatric surgery and follow-up care; and $1500 to provide a day of eye camp and outreach services, restoring sight to 30 people.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Identify, enroll, and retain out-of-school girls for one year. With the help of locally trained community volunteers, Educate Girls conducts awareness-building activities aimed at communities and families of out-of-school girls
Educate Girls' mission is to ensure all girls are in school and learning. They do so with the help of locally trained volunteers, as well as through awareness-raising activities aimed at communities and families, and initiatives to improve school quality.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Provide seed capital to jumpstart businesse(s)
Village Enterprise estimates costs of $180 to provide seed capital to jumpstart one business and $800 to cover all costs for funding one new, three-person business.
Your $ Annual Expense for would generate a
recurring annual donation of about $. Below you can view how much measurable impact the expense can make:
Cover the cost of fistula surgery, rehabilitation, counseling, and reintegration services for women in Kenya.
Fistula Foundation provides fistula surgery, rehabilitation, counseling, and reintegration services at an estimated cost of $1169 per woman treated. This estimate was updated by IDinsight to include the additional patient services associated with successful surgery outcomes in Kenya.